
2 2018

Friendship Circle August Programs

1:00PM - 3:00PM  

Jewish Cultural Center 1100 Berkshire Blvd. Suite 125
Wyomissing, PA


1:00 pm -- Luncheon catered by Boscov’s Ala Carte*

1:45 pm -- Program/Speaker. Varied programs are informative, educational and fun.


Optional luncheon ($7). RSVP to Carole at the JCC by Monday.


Aug. 2: “Blue Marsh Lake: What It’s All About!” Join us for an introduction to

the US Army Corps of Engineers and Blue Marsh Lake.

9: Dan Lynch from the PA Game Commission will present “Wildlife

of Berks County”

16: Improve your “Balance” and prevent injuries with Kathy Roberts,

the Health and Wellness Educator from Berks Encore.

23: Pizza and Ice Cream Party and Thursday Film Festival! “King

Georges.” Have your taxi pick up at 3:15.

30: “The Buzz about Bees” with Ms. Lisa from Berks Parks and
