
3 2019

Friendship Circle October Programs

1:00PM - 3:00PM  

Jewish Cultural Center 1100 Berkshire Blvd. Suite 125
Wyomissing, PA

 Thursdays -- Optional Luncheon at 1:00pm:  $7 catered by Boscov’s Ala Carte* -- RSVP to Carole at the JCC by Monday.   2:00 unless otherwise noted --  Program/Speaker. Varied programs are informative, educational and fun.

 3:  “Similarities between Eastern European Jewry and Pennsylvania Dutch Culture”
10:  “It’s Wash Day!” 17:  “The Voice and Vocal Hygiene”  Retired speech therapist Betsy Katz  will  offer techniques and suggestions to keep your speaking and singing voice sounding younger and more vibrant.
24 at 1:45pm:  Thursday Film Festival. “RBG”  Taxi pick up at 3:30.
31: “Matter of Balance” with Tower Health and BE2U. This program can help reduce the fear of falling and increase the activity levels of older adults who have concerns about falling. It will also help participants change their       environment to reduce fall risk factors.