1:00 pm -- Luncheon catered by Boscov’s Ala Carte*
1:45 pm -- Program/Speaker. Varied programs are informative, educational and fun.
1st Thursday each month: Blood pressure screening at 1:00 pm
*Optional luncheon ($6). RSVP to Carole at the JCC by Monday.
Sept. 3 – Join Stef Brok, Facilitator of Herd by a Horse, and her horse
Frankie for some Equine Therapy! Sept. 10 – No Friendship Circle.
Friday, Sept. 11, 10:45 am – Rosh Hashanah service and holiday lunch at Manor at Market Square.
Sponsored by Jewish Family Service and Manor at Market Square. Reservations required!
Sept. 17 – Thursday Film Festival. “Brighton Beach Memoirs.” Have your taxi pick you up at 3:45.
Sept. 24 – Enjoy country and folk music with Bob Hassler.
*(Please note changes in location, day, and time.)