
8 2024

Literatour Berks at Exeter Library

4:00PM - 6:00PM  

Exeter Community Library 4569 Prestwick Dr
Reading, PA 19606

Exeter Community Library

Janice Cohn

“The Christmas Menorahs”


The orig­i­nal ver­sion of The Christ­mas Meno­rahs appeared thir­ty years ago, inspired by a series of efforts to com­bat hatred in Billings, Mon­tana. When a spate of attacks on Jews, Black peo­ple, and oth­ers threat­ened their com­mu­ni­ty, res­i­dents of Billings were deter­mined to express their sol­i­dar­i­ty and take action. In this new edi­tion of the book, which is sad­ly still rel­e­vant, Jan­ice Cohn and Bill Farnsworth relate how one Jew­ish fam­i­ly refus­es to be intim­i­dat­ed by big­otry — and, in the process, the fam­i­ly learns that their empa­thet­ic and coura­geous neigh­bors will defend the val­ues of their town.