Reading Jewish Community High School Description

The Jewish Federation of Reading is pleased to announce the ninth year of our High School of
Jewish Studies. Rabbi Dov Lerner will continue to direct our program and we have affiliated with
The North American Association of Community & Congregational Hebrew High Schools
(NAACCHHS—pronounced “nachus”) which serves as the umbrella organization for supplementary Jewish secondary education of more than 40 communities in North America. We
will therefore be in constant communication with teen education programs throughout the United


•   We remain committed to respecting all those who wish to join the Reading Jewish Community High
School, be they Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist or unaffiliated.
•   Students will study primary texts and traditional commentaries. They will be encouraged in
these high school years to remain undecided about any view and to continue a search for
information, as we also support any student’s choice of a spiritual position. We understand that
every Jew is continually on a spiritual journey.
•   We will provide in-class and community experiences that emphasize the joys of living as a Jews,
and opportunities for Jewish teens to discover Jewish spiritual fulfillment at home, at synagogue
and in the community.
•   Participating in Jewish communal values is part of growing into Jewish adulthood. Our goal is
for our graduates to continue to live respectfully with others to support Jewishly thoughtful,
educated and lawful community.
•   Classes will be offered from 9:30 am -12:15 p.m. on Sundays meeting at the Jewish Cultural Center (1100 Berkshire Blvd. Suite 125, Wyomissing, PA). Options for class choices will be offered each quarter.
At the end of the year, there will be a new four week term to welcome 7th grade students.
•   Participation is open to all Jewish students in 8th through 12th grades.

Reading Jewish Community High School Mission
We welcome all to participate and affiliate with the Jewish community—Orthodox, Reform

Conservative, Reconstructionist and unaffiliated.

We use primary texts and traditional commentaries to create Jewishly educated teens for their and
our future.
We hope that for many the journey will last the entire lifetime of study and experience and that
students will continue to create or support a thoughtful, educated and lawful community.